Sunday, June 3, 2007

Talked with Bev

Andrew making funny faces (Cory does too)

(The date is incorrect on the picture)

I called Taiwan tonight and visited with Bev. She said Andrew likes his new sippy cup I sent over now. She had to put honey water in it to get him to drink from it. He lays down on the floor to drink from it. That is what Cory use to do. :) They let him carry it around with him. Bev also said that Andrew is still in the throwing stage. He doesn't do it to be mean though. She says he takes EVERYTHING out of the toy box. I sure know what that is like. Cory pulls all of his books of the shelves and has his toys spread out. Looks like my boys have a lot in common. Bev is going to give the other things I sent to him later, pretty busy with people in and out.

Cory with baby cousin, Christopher

Cory is working on being potty trained. He went all evening with a dry diaper. Yeah! One step at a time. Cory signed sleep, shoe, more, dog/puppy, and all done this weekend. Way to go Cory!!! He says thank you, I actually thought I heard him say please tonight, "dr" for drink, "d' for down, itty for kitty. Cory is making a lot of progress!!! He learned to sign "no" to me. I realized it a couple of days ago, after I told/signed him no, he did it back to me.

I can't wait to have my boys together.

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